Appreciating Life

It’s funny to me sometimes to step outside the box, and reflect on my life.

I constantly tell my wife how luck I am to have her, and as each day passes, I think that more and more.

About a month ago, I was sent a request on Facebook from an old girlfriend from high school. She popped out of nowhere, and was SUPER aggressive towards me. Now, I haven’t seen or heard from this girl since I was in the 9th grade. Once she browsed all of my pictures on Facebook, and figured out that I had my life in order, she started in. She began telling me how much she missed me, and how she’s often thought about me over the last 18+ years. I was seriously like, WTF? Then, she has the audacity to ask me if i’m happily married. I explain to her yes, that i’m very happy and I have no intentions of fucking that up.

Occasionally I’d log into Facebook, and she’d hit me up on IM to ask me if i wanted to have cyber sex with her. Again, I would tell her, no, sorry, not interested. What the fuck do I have to do to get this girl to stop? I don’t want to de-friend her, but seriously, respect the fact that I’m happy. Ahh, but the story gets better.

So I get an IM from her telling me that she’ll be in town over the holidays. She asks if i’d like to meet up for coffee or something. I’m like, sure, that’s no problem, i’d love to say hi. Then she proceeds to ask me if we can get a room at a hotel. I was like, LOOK, It’s not gonna happen. What the fuck is wrong with people now a days? Can’t people be happy when someone has a happy home life?

I’m really glad that I’m able to step outside the box, and see people for who they are. People want what they can’t have, and try to do whatever it takes to get what they want. Seriously girl, it’s not going to happen. I’m lucky that I have a beautiful wife and happy home life, because the last thing I need is to turn out like you. I like my life, and want to keep things the way they are.

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